
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Liebster Award Nominees

Thank you Anshie for liking my post and passing me the Liebster award..truly honored….Love your recipes on your cooking blog at Spiceroot. I picked up this award from your post of dessertParatha..quite innovative that dish..sweet  with raisins and cheese..hoping to try it some day…..for sure…Thank you for nominating me…..

As to what the Liebster Award is, it is an award for blogs that regularly contain great posts. Of course, the way the Liebster Award works is that once nominated, one nominated five other blogs for the award. Ultimately, it’s a way of recognizing those blogs one really appreciates.

As per tradition: Here are my five nominees:

Love the poetic prose of Sandy, my friend who writes between cups of coffee.

Nisha, my friend, who takes me to places while she travels with a purpose through her blog ‘Le Monde’

Anu, my friend who has ‘A Wandering Mind’ and so much to share about her travel adventures. I am especially awed by her postcards and stamps collection…….

T o my friend, Ramya who blogs honestly as a chronic thinker with ‘The Idea Smithy’ magic, and is always up to date with the latest trends.

To my friend, Aarti, whose pictures are delight to see and whose words flow easy on her blog and now she has a site of her own…..

Here is the Liebster award for you

Okay, I am not going to say that you have to do this, but it would be nice if you do it. Pass it on…….


  1. Congratulations, love and thank you! I'll be on it sometime in the week.

  2. Thank you babes!!!! Hugs!!!
    Will pass it on!

  3. Congratulations and thank you very much.

    As you can see, I am late here to comment. Yes, been on my toes all the time.
    Thanks again for this honour. :)


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