Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2011

Vegetable Stew

It’s not the cooking that takes time; it’s the thinking about what to cook, of a decision to prepare a particular dish that can take hours. The more the family member we have in the house, the more restricted our choice gets, unless we are ready to cook separately for each member, and of course there are some families that I know, who do even that. How difficult it is, when all the members have different taste, some want food with chilies, some without, some want vegetarian and some strictly non-vegan, some like it dry and some stew, the list is endless and it depends on the woman of the house whether she is ready to comply and please all the members of the house.

It is easier when you have to cook for just one person whom you love too much –

Yes! You get that right! It is easy to just cook for yourself.

Think quickly and assemble the Ingredients

6 pods of garlic, crushed
½ tsp red chili flakes
100 grams vegetarian soya meat
1 medium onion, chopped length-wise
1 medium carrot, chopped slant-wise
1 medium capsicum, chopped length-wise
6 green chilies, chopped length-wise
2-3 basil leaves
2-3 kafir leaves
1 tsp sesame seeds
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cornflour

Let’s cook

1.    On a high flame, stir-fry crushed garlic and red chilies flakes,
2.    Add vegetarian meat, mix till browned,
3.    Add one-by-one, stirring all the time, chopped onions, carrots, capsicum, green chilies, add basil leaves, Kafir leaves, sesame seeds and salt,
4.    Make a corn flour solution by adding 1 tsp of corn flour to two cups of water and add to the vegetables.
5.    Mix till the sauce thickens.

Serve with steamed rice.

Okay, I agree I made too much vegetables,(Burp!) but fret not, dinner was with flat rice noodles

Thank you for the opportunity for sharing my dish on your link at Global Food Festival

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Vegetarian Noodle Soup

Nothing is more satisfying than the bowl of soup especially on a day when I am too confused to cook anything else

For me, soup is not just ripping off the packet of Maggi, (or any other soup packets like Wai-Wai or Mama), and cooking as instructed on the wrapper.

 Nah! I make it into a full meal, more appetizing and more nutritious.

 On one flame I have water boiling with the ingredients like oil, red chillie powder and dehydrated vegetables, that were included in the noodles packet.

 I have another pan on a high flame where I stir fry garlic, dried red chillies, green/red/yellow pepper, carrots, mushrooms, baby corn, onions, etc

 Just for a minute I stir fry all the fresh vegetables on a high flame till the aroma sizzles me and then off they go, dumped into the clear soup.

 I squeeze out the lime juice, add chilly sauce and mushroom sauce and taste a spoonful to check if it's okay.

 When I am ready to eat, I take a clean bowl, empty the noodles from the packet, pour the hot soup over it and garnish it will basil leaves.

 So while contestants are busy producing innovative dishes on Master Chef, here I am savoring my noodle soup, and not drooling a wee bit while watching that colorful and fancy cuisine.

 Other foodies are also making innovative dishes and sharing their recipes with Master Chef India, should be interesting I am sure!
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